Sunday, September 18, 2011

Age of Mythology

Games is a continuation rather than the Age of Empire. But excellence is certainly a feature that all games that feature more interesting and telling of myths myths prevailing in the war. Each nation has unique creatures and can also be directed to become specialized. Can be in war or in economic development, etc. etc. etc..

For each nation also has its own privileges and have a special special forces in combat. Some use the monk, crocodiles, monsters ... this game I think is very complicated and requires patience to play it. Why not, if in building a nation is nothing less (eg, late or lack of resources to upgrade the building), enemies will be easier to attack and destroy the defense made ​​(certainly to a level that the hard or the opponent in a multiplayer game that was already very good) .

Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/XP/2000
PC with 450 MHz equivalent or higher processor
128 MB of system RAM
1.5 GB available hard disk space
32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive
16 MB video card required
Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play
Download Part1 Part2

Instalasi :
  1. 1. Unrar file,,
  2. 2. akan terdapat 2 folder CD1 dan CD2, mount Age Of Mythology_Cd_1.iso dengan daemon/alkohol lalu install. wkt instalasi minta cd2 tinggal di mount yg cd2.
  3. P3HM4-WDM27-662XW-9BPTV-CFVMQ
  5. BQBBY-4T8MK-8TP28-GRHJ4-2PR7G
  6. 3. setelah instalasi selesai, masuk ke folder krack pada cd1, install patch aom10 ke 110.
  7. 4. setelah di patch, lalu copas aom.exe ke folder instalasi
  8. 5. lets play the game


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